The UTS-0095 TRL Dynamic Cone Penetrometer is used for the rapid, in situ measurement of structural properties of existing road pavement constructed with unbound materials. The design of the DCP...
The UTS-0082 Field Inspection Pocket Vane Tester is especially designed to measure the undrained shear strength (CU) of cohesive soils, consists of a cylindrical body with a torsional spring and...
UTS-0150 Universal Speedy Moisture Tester is used to determine the moisture content of soils, sand and fine aggregates in the field. It is an easy and portable method. The amount...
Surface Soil Sampler (Core Cutter) is used to determine the in-situ density of soil by taking a standard volume of soil sample from the ground which is then removed, trimmed...
The Speedy Moisture Tester is used to determine the moisture content of soils, sand and fine aggregates in the field. It is an easy and portable method. The amount of...
A Cone Penetrometer is used to determine the moisture content at which clay soils pass from a plastic to a liquid state, and used also for the determination of undrained...
The Spring Type Proctor Penetrometer is used for establishing the moisture-penetration resistance relation of finegrained soils. The apparatus consists of a spring loading device which is graduated from 10 to...
The Pocket Shear Vane Device is for determining the shear strength of cohesive soils. It is widely used to perform onsite measurements of excavations covering trenches and test pits, thin-wall...
The UTS Series of Pocket Dial Penetrometers are ideal instruments to determine the penetration resistance of cohesive soil, especially when various range measurements are required. The Pocket Dial Penetrometer with...
The UTS-0084 Heavy Duty Pocket Penetrometer is designed for making field classification of cohesive soils in terms of consistency, shear strength and approximate unconfined compressive strength. Heavy duty model is...
The UTS-0080 Field Inspection Testing Kit is ideal for geotechnicians, geologists and agronomists. It consists of the UTS-0084 Pocket Penetrometer and of the UTS-0082 Field Inspection Pocket Vane Tester. The...
Balloon Density Apparatus are used for the on-site determination of the density of well bonded soil according to the ASTM and French standards respectively. UTS-0990A consists of a graduated cylinder...