UTB-0345 Bitumen Oven is used for determining the loss in mass, of oil and asphaltic / bituminous compounds when heated with the loss on heating test method or the effect of heat and air on semisolid asphaltic / bituminous materials with the thin film oven test (TFOT) method.
EN 12607-2,13303; ASTM D6, D1754; AASHTO T47, T179; BS 2000
The internal chamber of the UTB-0345 Thin Film Bitumen Oven is made of stainless steel and the door has a panel window.
Oven has a working temperature ambient to 200 °C, digital PID controller and circulation fan.
Supplied complete with ASTM 13C thermometer (155 to 170°C)
Rotating shelfs (UTB-0346 or/and UTB-0348) and sample cups (UTGH-1425 or/and UTGH-1399) should be ordered separately according to the test type.
910x800x550 mm
Weight (approx.)
60 kg